Port regulation

Ordinance in a port of Marina Frapa Rogoznica*


Arti. 3: Provisions of this Ordinance refer to all ships, boats and yachts (hereinafter referred to as: Waterborne Craft) and all Ship Masters, Yacht Masters, Boat Leaders, individuals responsible for Waterborne Craft and all individuals working or residing in the Marina (hereinafter referred to as: Users).

Par. 1 of Art. 6: Upon entering the port by sea or land the User is obligated without delay to report the arrival in the marina by submitting the vessel’s documents with confirmation that customs and police formalities have been completed along with crew passports to the marina reception.

Par. 1 of Art. 24: According to the Berthing Plan Marina Directorate assigns the vessel berth in the sea or accommodation on land and is the only one authorized to relocate the vessel if deemed necessary or at the request of the User.

Par. 2 of Art. 26: In order to prepare the vessel for safekeeping the User is obliged to:

- disconnect the electrical power supply from the mainland or battery,
- disconnect the vessel connections from the water supply installations,
- remove all flammable and explosive materials from the vessel,
- install properly certified fire extinguishers near the entrance to the vessel’s interior,
- check the level of accumulated water in the lower parts of the vessel,
- close all valves on the openings located on the underwater part of the hull,
- check the correctness and reliability of the moorings,
- remove movable equipment from the deck and open parts of the superstructure and store them in the interior of the vessel or hand them over for storage to the marina,
- lock the entrance to the interior of the vessel and hand over the keys of the vessel to the reception.

Par. 4 of Art. 26: The reception by returning the keys and/or by giving approval for navigation to the User or a person authorized by the User, the responsibility of the marina for watchkeeping ceases, regardless of whether the vessel is left on the berth or is in navigation.

Par. 1 of Art. 31: The supply of drinking water and electricity to the vessel is allowed only in the presence of the vessel User by using the correct connections.

Art. 52: In the Marina it is forbidden to:

1) in any way endanger the safety of navigation, human life and the environment;
2) prevent access to mooring devices;
3) relocate, exchange and remove bindings, anchors and devices of another vessel except when necessary to prevent immediate and obvious damage or when necessary due to the arrival or departure of the vessel;
4) tie vessels to navigational and other signs and devices not intended for mooring and moving on them;
5) without authorization install, relocate, change, remove or damage navigational and other signs or mooring devices;
6) install satellite dishes, showers and other devices on the piers and moorings;
7) hang laundry on the piers or in the marina area;
8) damage operational shores with heavy vehicles, by placing heavy objects over the permissible load, drive wedges, beams, etc. into the shore, and lift stones from coastal walls or perform any other action that damages operational shores;
9) weld, light a fire on an open hearth on the shore or on a vessel or on mooring devices, leave on the vessel or next to the vessel open containers with highly flammable or explosive materials, or in any other way cause a fire hazard;
10) incinerate waste on the vessel;
11) clean and scrape and paint the surface or underwater part of the vessel’s hull;
12) retain on the dry dock a boat or yacht on which no work is being performed or store any kind of material;
13) perform uncustomary vessel repairs and reconstruction of the hull, deck, equipment and machinery;
14) pollute the air by releasing dust, smoke and other gases above the permitted quantities determined by special regulations;
15) keep the ship’s propeller in operation, except to perform the necessary maneuver of the vessel;
16) leave the engines or any other technical devices that use gas or electricity running, or have rechargeable batteries switched on when no crew  member are on board;
17) swim, dive, fish, speedboat, windsurf, pull a water ski or take water-skiing lessons;
18) sail at speeds greater than 2 knots;
19) discard, dispose of or discharge solid, liquid or gaseous substances that pollute the marina;
20) wash, clean, paint, polish and the like using chemical agents (detergents, solvents, paints) that could get into the sea and cause environmental pollution;
21) place signs, advertisements and other messages;
22) disturb public order and peace in the marina - by creating noise disturb the peace of other guests, especially at night from 22:00 to 07:00;
23) use the services of third parties to supervise, maintain or perform work on the vessel without the approval of the Marine Directorate;
24) release pets without a leash and owner supervision. Pet owners are required to keep the marina environment clean;
25) have unauthorized persons in the operational area of the marina;
26) leave boat tenders, dinghies or long equipment from the vessel on the piers and the shore;
27) move the vessel to another berth without the consent of the Marina Directorate;
28) use the ship’s toilet and empty faecal tanks and bilges into the sea;
29) anchor the vessel with its own anchor inside the marina;
33) to pour waste oil, petroleum or other fats and detergents into the sea.

Art. 40: The Marine Directorate reserves the right to in the case of non-compliance with the Ordinance in the Port of Marina Frapa to deny consent for a vessel to remain in the marina.

Art. 42: All Users of vessels moored in the marina Frapa can enter their impressions and complaints in the “Appeal Book” at the reception of the marina.

* User shall park his personal vehicle in the designated area.  If the User departs from the Marina yet leaves the vehicle in the Marina he must deposit the vehicle keys with the reception.  All improperly parked vehicles shall be moved at the risk and cost of the User. 

Rogoznica, May 22nd, 2024

Directorate of Marina Frapa, Rogoznica


* The full version of the Ordinance can be found on the Marine Frapa Board